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RCC Anthropology Outline Essay

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There are two-part to this question.

Basically, there are two pdf assignment worksheets. Also, one discussion post and reply

Part 1

Chapter 7. Primate Behavior (Powerpoints and Assignment Attached)

Chapter 8 Primate and Hominin Origins (Powerpoints and Assignment Attached)

Answer the essay questions on the worksheets. Please answer them thoroughly and in your own words. You will not be given credit if it is copied word for word or copied and pasted from other sources. It is beneficial to you to answer these questions thoroughly and correctly as they will then serve study notes for your exams. Include the questions with your answers.

If you answer any extra credit questions on the worksheet please indicate at the top of the page that you have done so.

Please note your similarity score, this indicates if your work is copied from other sources. Your score will reflect that the questions are copied, and I take that into account. However, Turnitin will also show me if there is other content that is copied and what sources it is coming from.

Part 2

Chapter 7 Primate Behavior

Chapter 8 Primate and Hominin Origins

  • POST (10 points). For your post you must find an online article or video (from a reputable source) that is relevant to the topics covered in the chapters above. Don’t forget to include the name of the article/video and a link. You are to provide a summary of the article/video along with how it is important and how it relates to the topics covered for that time period. Discuss what you found interesting.

Your posts must demonstrate knowledge of the week’s chapter/module concepts and any videos. They must illustrate your understanding of the weekly topics. These posts give you a chance to “prove” that you have completed readings and comprehend the concepts presented. They also give you a chance to help your classmates to learn through your observations, and interact in a more personal way with them.

You can provide prompts, so that your classmates will have something to respond to, and to help to further the discussion by replying back or making further comments.

  • “REPLY” or “RESPONSE” Posts (10 points)You must post AT LEAST (minimum) one substantial comment (5-6 sentences minimum) to something posted (article/video) by another student. You must demonstrate your understanding of the material being discussed and add to the discussion. Your comments must pertain to the topic of physical anthropology. You can add other information, opinions but you will be graded on your use and understanding of physical anthropology.

Please note that you CAN NOT copy and paste directly from the internet for discussion threads without using quotation marks and giving proper references. You are more than welcome to cite articles/websites in addition to your own words and opinions, but you MUST give credit where credit is due. Otherwise, you will earn a zero for plagiarism. If you are taking ideas or words from a source, you must cite the source, even if you are paraphrasing.

Tips for Writing a Good Discussion Post

The University of Nevada, Reno’s “University Writing Center” states the ideal discussion board topic should always facilitate learning opportunities. It should ideally

1) address the course content

2) reveal your own understanding of that content

3) promote peer interaction.

A strong post can be written based on these three parts in addition to the article summary:

Part 1: State what your considered thought or recommendation might be. In other words, answer the question, “What do you think about this topic?”

Part 2: State why you think what you think. Examine your own experiences, beliefs, or knowledge. It is also a good place to provide references, textual quotations, and/or links to materials that reinforce your opinion. You can also discuss the films assigned in class

Part 3: State what you wish you knew or directly solicit the opinion of classmates (in other words, ask them some questions!)

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to interact on an academic subject with other students as you refine your understanding of the subject. You are expected to use concepts and terms acquired during this course. For the BEST possible grade, statements must provide evidence of your understanding of the readings, modules, and any other related materials (such as course films). Don’t forget to include references or citations for any material that you use, whether it is from text or online sources!!!

As your classmates reply or respond to your post, you must interact with them and stimulate conversation amongst them. Simply stating “I agree” is NOT acceptable academic discussion, nor is copying and pasting information without explanation and references. Your job as a leader is to answer back, continuing to substantiate your arguments, opinions, or thoughts with references to support your statements. You will be graded on the quality of your research, and your ability to keep the discussion going by interacting with others in an academic forum. You are not being graded on your ability to answer each and every point that is brought up. Statements that are unsubstantiated opinions or inflammatory (rude/provoking) will not receive credit. If you simply restate what someone else has already said, then this does not demonstrate original thought or learning, and in fact may be seen as plagiarism (warning!!!).

One of the student posts (Post a reply to this student): (Links to an external site.)

In chapter 8, the topic of the Oldowan industry caught my attention. Mostly because it only gave me a brief look at early hominin tools. I wanted to find out if other tools have been found and if they were similar or different based on the environment. This video shows that tools made from early hominins were not only found in Tanzania and that they were not the first tools made by hominins. Other tools were found in West Turkana, Kenya dated 3.3 mya pre-dating the Oldowan tools. The tools found were named Lomekwian tools, which differ from Oldowan tools. There were also tools found outside of Africa. In 2018 there were tools found in Shangchen, China. These tools were, even more, advanced, called Acheulean tools. The video also states that the tool making provided a way for our ancestors to change to a more meaty and high-calorie diet. A change in diet and the way their hands were used to make the tools might be waht shaped the change in our anatomy.