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Adler University Democracy Equality and Crisis Discussion Responses

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Democratic relationships and equality embedded in democratic relationships are viewed as a key to social progress and a guarantee that most fundamental rights of humans are upheld in all spheres of human life, on every level of society. Yet in times of crises and social unrest, as we see in many countries and at different times in human history, there is a recorded and observable trend in a direction of a more hierarchical social order, more authoritarian, strong handed leadership. An argument we often hear in such times is that in times of large crises and social unrest, and in order to preserve basic safety and fundamental functioning of the society, we cannot always afford democracy.

Based on your assigned reading for this week and any other reading of your choice (peer-reviewed and not peer-reviewed), please discuss the following:

Prepare an argument defining the meaning and the role of equality in progress of humankind during the times of crises.

Support your argument with at least one quote from each of the two required readings for this week. How would you respond to those believing that in times of social unrest, equality and democracy are luxury items and need to be “paused” until the order is restored?

  • Your post will be approximately 350 words. You need to use references. In your peer responses, please find an opportunity to validate (vs. praise) your classmates’ efforts and to take their discussion to a new level by asking questions, building on (vs. replacing) their efforts. You will also have to respond to your professor’s inquiries.