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RHS Spanish American War Important Event for The United States Question

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4.This is a headline from the Belvidere Daily Republican on January 8, 1914.Text</p data-verified=

How did the Spanish-American War contribute to making this an important event for the United States?


B.After the war, the United States needed a faster way to move ships between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

C.After the war, the United States gained land from Spain to build a canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

D.After the war, the United States wanted to ensure Latin American nations were able to remain self-sufficient.

9. This photograph was taken in 1978.A child holding a sign

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How did the message in this photograph impact the United States?


B.It increased awareness about the impact of poverty on children.

C.It reduced support for the use of government regulations on large corporations.

D.It increased support for the use of nuclear power to provide energy for the nation.

10. This is an excerpt from a telegram sent by President John F. Kennedy to Nikita Khrushchev in April of 1961.

The people of the United States share with the people of the Soviet Union their satisfaction for the safe flight of the astronaut in man’s first venture into space. We congratulate you and the Soviet scientists and engineers who made the feat possible. It is my sincere desire that in the continuing quest for knowledge of outer space our nations can work together to obtain the greatest benefit to mankind.

Which action did President Kennedy take in response to the event referenced in this excerpt?

  • He created the Peace Corps to support educational programs in underdeveloped countries.
  1. He announced plans to build an interstate highway system throughout the United States.
  2. He established a naval blockade around Cuba to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.
  3. He committed the United States to landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s.

11. This is a list of several laws enacted during the Progressive Era.




Meat Inspection Act


Pure Food and Drug Act


Clayton Antitrust Act

What do these laws have in common?

  • They were all written to improve working conditions in manufacturing plants.
  1. They were all passed to increase government regulation of businesses.
  2. They were all designed to ensure fair economic competition.
  3. They were all enacted to increase the civil rights of minority groups.

14.This is an excerpt from an article in the Jackson Advocate, an African American newspaper in Mississippi, in 1944.

In less than one year, the all-Negro 332nd Fighter Group, stationed with the 15th Air Force in Italy, has flown more than 100 missions and has firmly established itself as an efficient, hard-hitting outfit. Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., the group’s commanding officer, declared here before returning overseas: “Flying P-51s on bomber escort and strafing missions, we destroyed 75 ships in the air and easily twice that number on the ground.” West of Budapest, he related a pilot spotted a low-flying plane and was sent down to investigate. The pilot shot the plane down, then called for the rest of his squadron. “They were over an airfield where fliers were practicing landings and taking offs,” said the Colonel. “They joined the first all-Negro team and shot down four more ME-100s.”

Based on this excerpt, which conclusion can be drawn about the combat of the 332nd Fighter Group, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen?


B.The airmen engaged in noncombat service duties and flew aerial missions to deliver supplies.

C.The airmen were eager to fight and were productive and successful in their outcomes.

D.The airmen engaged in numerous battles and experienced many military defeats.

15. During the Civil Rights Movement, disillusionment with the slow pace of change led leaders such as Stokely Carmichael to take which action?


B.shift their focus to a more militant approach for political offices to enact direct change

D.expand their use of civil disobedience strategies such as sit-ins

16. This political cartoon by Thomas Nast was published in Harper’s Weekly in the late 1800s.A picture containing text, book

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What message was Nast depicting in this political cartoon?


B.Political machines donated money to ensure elections were fair.

C.Political machines operated within the law to ensure economic growth.

D.Political machines were motivated by personal greed to control politics.

19. This graph shows the projected populations of the United States for two different age groups.Chart, line chart

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Which government programs will be most affected by the trend in this graph?

Select two that apply.



C.national defense construction

E.Social Security

20. This political cartoon was published in the New York Evening Telegram in 1919.Text

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The idea in this political cartoon contributed to what event that took place in the 1920s?


B.Harlem Renaissance

C.Red Scare

D.Scopes Trial

25. This graph shows the unemployment rates in the United States from 1927-1939.Chart, line chart

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Based on this graph, what conclusion can be drawn about the situation in the United States during this time period?


B.The beginning of World War II in Europe ended the Great Depression in the United States.

C.New Deal programs brought unemployment rates back to the levels they were before the start of the Great Depression.

D.New Deal programs were partially successful in helping relieve the effects of the Great Depression.

33. This photograph was taken in 1970.A group of people holding signs

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How did President Nixon respond to protests such as the one in this photograph?


B.He reduced federal regulations on factory emissions.

C.He visited China to negotiate a joint solution to the issue.

D.He established regulations to limit protests of private businesses.

34. What is the main way a cold war is different from a conventional war?


B.A cold war has no physical fighting.

C.A cold war has no emphasis on military buildup.

D.A cold war has no strategic goal.

36.This political cartoon was published in Punch on December 10, 1919.Diagram, engineering drawing

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This cartoon highlighted what situation after World War I?


B.The United States delayed sending aid to help Europe rebuild.

C.European nations suffered greater losses because the war was fought on their soil.

D.European nations could not afford to provide support to the League of Nations.

37. What justification was used by President Harry Truman to drop atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II?


B.He wanted to protect the Soviet Union from an invasion by the Japanese military.

C.He believed it would end the war quickly and save American lives.

D.He believed it would prevent Germany from using atomic weapons in Europe.

44. This cartoon by Frank Beard was published in Judge in 1884.A picture containing diagram

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What situation was Beard criticizing in this cartoon?


B.lack of environmental protection laws

C.decline in the influence of labor unions

D.use of horizontal and vertical integration

49. This political cartoon by Edmund Gale was published in the Los Angeles Times in 1928. A picture containing text, book

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This cartoon is symbolic of what situation in the 1920s?


B.Economic growth kept pace with the rate of investment.

C.Stock values indicated the economy was healthier than people believed it to be.

D.Investment opportunities were accessible to all citizens.

51.This is a poem written by Langston Hughes in 1926.

I, Too

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I’ll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”

They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed—

I, too, am America.

This poem is reflective of what situation in the United States in the 1920s?

  • A.Movies and radio became more popular.
  1. B.The uniqueness of African American culture became more celebrated.
  2. C.The consumer culture promoted new types of mass media.
  3. D.Literacy rates rose among African Americans.

58. This photograph was taken in 1969.A picture containing text, person, outdoor

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The individuals in this photograph were protesting to gain better conditions for which group of people?


B.disabled persons

C.migrant workers

D.Native Americans