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Business Influence in Politics & Religion in Latin America Humanities Essay

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  • Politics & Admin Latin America-01:

Pick and answer four of the six questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find listed a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italic so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.

Additionally, there is a bonus question on the U.S.-Latin America relations, which is worth 5 percent of the total exam grade. You can find the question at the very end.

Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). Answers are to be double-spaced, Times New Roman; 12-point font size; 1” on left, right, top and bottom. You are required to upload your answer as a word file or a PDF file under Week 16 Exam II module, by May 07, Friday, 11:59pm.

Question 1: Religion in Latin America

Present a supporting discussion for the assertion that the role of religion in Latin American politics, the status of the Catholic Church in particular, is complex, multilayered and dynamic. Make sure that you give country examples. Also, in constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Catholic Church

– Indigenous religions

– The CELAM conference

– Liberation Theology

– Protestantism

– Secularism

– Gustavo Gutierrez

– Santeria

– Voodoo

– Umbanda

– Candomble

Question 2: Political Economy of Latin America

In the 1980s and 1990s, Latin American countries experienced significant changes in the way that their governments engage their economies. Pretend that as a Latin America expert, you are invited to a conference to give a talk about the cause and nature of those changes. Give a synopsis of your talk. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Monoculture or monocrop economy

– The Prebisch thesis

– Dependency theory

– Imperialism

– Neocolonialism

– Import substitution industrialization

– Structural Adjustment

– Neoliberalism

– The Washington Consensus

– The new extractivism

– The twenty-first-century socialism

Question 3: Democracy and Authoritarianism: Latin American Political Culture

Is the political culture in Latin America conducive to democracy? Develop and defend a thesis about this question. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Elitism

– Personalism

– Pacted Democracy

– Patron-client relations or Clientelismo

– Military

– Bureaucratic authoritarianism

– Juan Manuel de Rosas

– Juan Domingo Peron

– Getulio Vargas

– Augusto Pinochet

– Attitude toward democracy

– Ideological fault lines

– Political participation

– Political culture

Question 4: Politics, Power, Institutions and Actors (1)

How would you react to an argument that there are many similarities in the configuration and functioning of political institutions across Latin America? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Presidential

– Parliamentary

– Semi-presidential

– Single member district plurality system

– Unitary

– Federal

– Favoritism (Cronyism)

– Nepotism

– Clientelism

– Executive branch

– Legislative branch

– Judicial branch

Question 5: Politics, Power, Institutions and Actors (2)

What are the most important socio-economic and political actors in Latin American politics and what are their relative influences in shaping government policies? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Large landowners (Latifundistas)

– Business and Industrial Elites

– Middle or intermediate sectors

– Organized labor

– Rural Poor

– The military

– The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)

– Government Bureaucrats

– Political Parties

– Urbanization

– Industrialization

– Modern education

Question 6: Struggle for Change: Revolution, and Social and Political Movements in Latin America

In Latin America, political change has often wrought with conflict. Discuss some of the most dramatic and forceful attempts to bring about political change and their success. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Cuba

– Nicaragua

– El Salvador

– Guatemala

– Colombia

– Peru

– Fidel Castro

– The 26th of July Movement

– Che Guevara

– Anastasio Somoza

– The FSLN

– The FMLN

– The FARC

– Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)

Bonus Question: The U.S.-Latin America Relations

The United States has been claimed to have interfered in the recent political crisis of Venezuela by actively supporting the opposition against the government of Nicolas Maduro. Put this claim in the political historical context of the region or the past involvement of the United States in the region’s politics, especially in terms of the underlying causes and manner of its involvement.

Gov’t & Business 1865-Present-02:

Pick and answer four of the six questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find listed a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italic so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.

Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). Answers are to be double-spaced, Times New Roman; 12-point font size; 1” on left, right, top and bottom. You are required to upload your answer as a word file or a PDF file under Week 16 Exam II module, by May 07, Friday, 11:59pm.

Question 1: Business Influence in Politics

Business influence in politics is one of the most controversial topics in American politics. Discuss why business influence is commonly expected to be strong and why it might not be as strong and pervasive as it is sometimes assumed, though. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Public opinion

– Labor unions

– Post-materialist groups

– Leadership association

– Trade association

– Specialized business association

– Lobbying

– Political action committees (PACs)

– Revolving door

– Republican Party

– Democratic party

Question 2: Business and Economy (1)

Fiscal policy is one of the most important government policies for business to follow; however, it is also one policy whose effectiveness is commonly questioned. Discuss the significance of fiscal policy for business and review the controversy on its effectiveness. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Business cycle

– Fiscal policy

– Keynesian economics

– The Office of Management and Budget

– The Council of Economic Advisers

– Congress’s Joint Economic Committee

– Congressional Budget Office

Question 3: Business and Economy (2)

If someone argued that the monetary policy played an extremely important role in the recovery of the U.S. economy from the 2008-2009 Great Recession, how would you react to it? In constructing your memo, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Business cycle

– The Federal Reserve Board

– The Federal Open Market Committee

– Money supply (M1, M2 and M3)

– Discount rate

– Federal fund rate

– Open market operations

– Monetary economics

Question 4: Regulatory Policy

JP Morgan is one of the largest and most important financial institutions in the United States. Discuss how this company could be influenced by the regulatory polies in the United States. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Regulation

– Public interest theory

– Private interest theory

– Economic regulation

– Social regulation

– The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933

– The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999

– The Dodd-Frank of 2010

Question 5: Antitrust and Competition Policy

Amazon is one of the multinational tech giants with a focus on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Discuss how this company could be directly or indirectly influenced by the antitrust policy in the United States. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Antitrust policy

– The Sherman Act of I890

– The Clayton Act of 1914

– Rule of Reason

– Horizontal merger

– Vertical merger

– Price-fixing

– Price discrimination

Question 6: Trade Policy

For a long time, especially in the decades following the WWII, the United States led the world in push for freer or more liberal trade policy, but recently the country’s commitment to free trade has wavered. Discuss the ups and downs in the U.S. commitment to free trade and in what ways or for what reason this has profound implications for the U.S. business. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:

– Free trade

– The Tariff Act of 1930 (better known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act)

– The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of I934

– The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

– Principle of reciprocity

– Principle of nondiscrimination

– The escape clause

– Countervailing duty

– Antidumping duty

– The Uruguay round

– The International Trade Commission
