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Volunteer Leadership As a Lifestyle for Optimal Productivity.

The Jephthah’s Model

Judges 11:1-11

Emotional Abuses Common with People in Volunteer Leadership.

Judges 11:1-11

Common personal abuses among brethren endangering lifestyle and productive living

Topic; The believers’ mindset for lifestyle and productivity.

Believers’ Mental Intelligence for Lifestyle and Optimal Productivity

1. Personal identity management; your identity is all about you….Keeping the quite in order to stay out of contamination is the high point of emotional contact. Jephthah had learnt that lesson and opted to walk away from pollution whether reasonable or not. Please keep your identity intact and hold your peace in the face of provocation.

2. The law of the bigger picture; what you see determines the opportunity you can seize. Jephthah saw honor, glory, relevance above quarrel, hate and bickerings. Please choose the path of silence in order to preserve your bigger picture.

3. Service mentality; A man whose heart is bent on service down the line would always love to make contribution on a meaningful note even to his own discretion. Messiah’s don’t mind risking the death threats where necessary in the process of service. Jephthah was purely out for service, so wasn’t deterred by the low emotion of his brothers

4. Emotional Sensitivity; Jephthah was sensitive to the demands placed upon him. He was much more engrossed and would not allow any externality to compete with that sensibility. This was his reason for silence. He could sense the crown in waiting via conquest

5). Provisional empowerment; Any capacity builder any day would seek avenues… whether negative or not to discover people, develop potentials and deliver performance. This calls for a greater deal of silence on anything outside of the box.

6. Process appreciation; distraction serves as litmus tests to everyone whose emotional content is least to be desired. Jephthah knew too well that he needed the process of “time and chance” to secure validation in order to obtain eventual penetration. The journey of due process to stardom calls for an emotional disposition via silence!

7. Opportunity discernment; discernment to one with emotional strength is much more powerful than the reality. It’s simply huge- Jephthah would find the way out of a toxic environment. He eventually negotiated his way to top by discernment. He got what he wanted (vain persons) and wanted what he got( mighty warriors)

8. Particular niche recognition; Jephthah knew his leadership power point that was so compelling. That determined his focus. Silence become golden in order to grow his niche by deliberate intention.

9. Powerful negotiation skills; negotiation to Jephthah was a skill set woven together with his might at home. He negotiated for peace at the top and back at Gilead. He negotiated with the elders. Give it or leave it, Jephthah would always prefer to negotiate on a harmonious note. This calls for his silence.

10. Potential execution; Strong emotional ability is not the one with noise given the execution matrix. Jephthah preferred the result speaking to him speaking.


Volunteer leadership is a lifestyle of the willing and the available stepping into responsibility and performing a function based on conviction, character, capacity and competence. This is targeted towards making contribution towards a course of action.

To volunteer is good but adding value via it becomes the fundamental question.

Many volunteers in the house of God today don’t add up, some would want it done their own way. In volunteering, a man offers himself for the duty available without recluse or neglect, where he simply suppose to say “here am I, Lord send me”….by being and by behavior. We don’t need your body where your mind and spirit is not in alliance. In volunteering; your whole vessel is involved.( 1 Thess 5:23) The three must be submitted as a matter of policy. Jephthah was a role model volunteer whether by both as an art and a science.

10 Consequences of Jephthah Model for volunteering Leadership.

1. Contact; Jephthah was right on ground to birth access and to elevate the status of his people.

2. Connection; meeting people for engagement, interaction in order work in understanding of their needs. In all points, Jephthah was there to connect with people through various engagement. How readily do you connect with every contact.

3. Concern; Understanding people is for the purpose of showcasing a passionate appeal for their drive.

4. Compassion; Jephthah was greatly touched by the plight of his people and so he offered to help sooner than later.

5. Commitment; milk of kindness without the requisite action to back it up is an exercise in futility. The proof of commitment is the action spelt out.

6. Confluence; meeting people at their level, denote an agreement with them on some basic terms, Jephthah did in all fronts, either at home or elsewhere.

7. The whole ball game of volunteering is to make required contribution. It is all about value creation and addition to people and platforms. This was the motivation of Jephthah.

8. Content; An empty sack will never stand. You only contribute what you know and flow with for contribution. You only give what you have. Jephthah recognized his might and gave it.

9. Collaboration; opportunity to interact create massive outcomes in certain platforms. This was jephthah secret round the clock. Learn to collaborate at all fronts. You can never do it alone and succeed. Know your seeds and grow it with other’s.

10. Context; you must understand the situation on ground before you jump into action, so that you don’t shoot yourself in the leg. Many volunteers in our day pollute the work process due to ignorance and ignore of procedures.


Emotional Abuses Common with People in Volunteer Leadership.

Judges 11:1-11

1. Lopsided Submission; Many saints volunteer in parts. They don’t deliver wholeheartedly on jobs or work at hand. They could be very interested but never committed.

Jephthah was committed to the course of Gilead’s deliverance. He gave himself and family for it. Her daughter was offered for a living sacrifice! She bewailed her virginity!

2. Identity Crisis; At service level, volunteering leadership is not a passport to just do anything; anyhow. A job/service you cannot identify correctly cannot be reckoned with. We need to identify and appreciate a work before filing out for it or holding up to it.

3. Inattentiveness to learn through the ropes; many volunteers are heady and haughty; you cannot correct them. They simply revolt and rebuff correction. Little do they realize that free service or volunteer service must go with volumes of learning to substantiate their willingness. In volunteering, willingness and ability must go together. Equipping for competence is the rule of the game. Instruction is at the root of it all.

4. Many volunteers atimes could be very proud. Not seeing service as a privilege is an emotional abuse. They tend to live and do things on their credentials more than the requirement for work eliciting their commitment.

5. Hands up without the heart in; It is not enough being present in volunteering, you need the heart that ‘powers’ the hand to deliver. Commitment must go with consecration at all times. Jephthah was reputable for this.

6. Several volunteers run riot with standards and procedures. Protocols must be followed, principles must not be declined

7. Discretion without approval; That you volunteer does not mean you should take decision for against or anyhow leadership any how. Many volunteers take things for granted.

8. Undue Expectation is an abuse; volunteering as the case may be is not about making money but making meaning… while some may expect to be compensated. It must never be taken for a right. Every volunteer must learn to tap into opportunities inherent in their service, rather than waiting for the outcome of services.

9. Volunteerism is not a passport to total acceptance of your opinion.What is more needed in the equation should not be forced through; even when offered for free. Time and effort donated should be scrutinized and evaluated based on need analysis.

10. Volunteerism should be problem solving, not people seeking. Keep your focus and gaze on the problem or intervention and not solely to curry people’s favour. Keep your focus on solution and not interupption?


Common personal abuses among brethren endangering lifestyle and productive living

1 Peter 2:16-17.

“As free and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as servants of God Honor all men, love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king”

10 abuses common among Christians.

1. Abuse of divine instructions! Certain believers abuse the grace of God; some see the mercy of God so cheap and take the grace of God for granted. The freedom in Christ is never a passport for sin. Rom 6:1.

2. Lifestyle abuse; many Christians break their personal lifestyle protocols while expecting to live long and well. Ignoring common mental, emotional or physical symptoms is not a wisdom. The appropriate lifestyle brethren abuse lie in wait for them as they project a lifespan.

3. Lifeline Abuse; saints sometime preoccupy themselves with the wrong stuffs, while they expect results. Putting the right energy in the wrong lines of activities is an abuse to oneself sabotaging results.

4. Lifespan compromise or abuse; Just a little insistence and persuasion, some believers throw in the towel to issues and exercises that could shorten lifespan. Psalm 92:10. As God teaches to number our days, we must apply our common day practices to wisdom. Clear cut violations and deviant behaviors would impact on health and productivity. In many cases, many debacles are preventable.

5. Spiritual Abuse; Paul rebuked the Galatians of starting in the Spirit and perfecting things in the flesh. Gal 3:1..It is flouting the leading of the Spirit that sets the pace for various abuses.

6. Mental abuse; Engaging the mind to do what is injurious to it is an abuse. Use your mind productively. A locked mind not interested in new streaks of knowledge is an abuse. Continuous learning and equipping breeds information that minimizes abuse.

7. Physical abuse; In our world today, many Christians pay lip service to their physical wealth. Anything you indulge in that halts the efficiency and effectiveness of the body is an abuse. Remember, we would give account of everything we do in our bodies! Our bodies belong to God.

8. Process abuse; Christians must never join in the rat race of breaking public protocols that are detrimental to others.This is process abuse. Many shortcuts in our days are actually ungodly. Jephthah frowned at this abuse and choose to withdraw from ‘abnormal’ family fight. In the process of time, he became their leader. Never use a leading position to abuse process whether personal or organizational.

9. Relationship abuse; too much familiarity is breeding contempt: causing abuses of privilege among saints. Have you wondered why many saints abuse the referral opportunity? How easily can one approve or recommend a brother for a job or assignment without stories at the end? Character deficit is fast becoming the order of the day.

10. Financial abuse; God gives power to make wealth. How faithful are we as God’s treasurers and kingdom investors? How often do we learn the secret of laying treasures in heaven through sacrificial giving to the course of the gospel?


Topic; The believers’ mindset for lifestyle and productivity.

Philippians 4:6-9 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be you”

1. Status; Identifying and acknowledging the current state of your mind ;whether weak, strong, sick or healthy in terms of quality. This knowledge guides your decision for the next agenda.

2. Structure; Every child of God should know the working structure of the mind. Do you know how your mind is structured to function where is the place of your will, emotion and other components within? The nexus between your will and your decisions?

3. Seed; Every mind as the man’s field of existence produces seeds of support to that same existence. It also support other relationships. What type of seed is your mind capable of producing?. Seed to build up or seed to break down?

4. Strategy; the saints must know that relationship and their interaction is determined by their mindset. The depth of your mind determines the options available to you on a daily basis about the issues of life. That also informs the choices you make. Narrow minded people hardly see the bigger picture of issues let alone think outside of the box.

5. Skills; Believers must know that mental skill building is a continuous exercise. Just as we breathe in and out, building through meditation and other developmental fora and soft skills should be a daily necessity. In examining the power of the mind, we must go beyond spiritual equipping. The mind must ingest the element of the emotional, physical and mental equipping. Many believers are lopsided in their thinking due to inadequate mental skills.

6. Size…The largeness of the believer is not in physical size. It is the mental size. It determines both the spiritual and emotional size. Small mind does small plans and live small.

7. Solution metrics; a mind that is not bent on providing solution will always set the stage for confusion. Many saints criticize and condemn instead of seeing and creating solutions. Problems are everywhere. Solutions are also within everywhere!

8. System; A mindset operates within a system. Many confusion are in the body of Christ today for the lack of systemic building of the mind of believers. Many are haphazard in their thinking: which is also is showing off in their lack of systemic order. Character deficit is a product of an unsystematic mindset. A systemic growth has these characteristics: Organization, Arrangement. Classification, Coordination.

9. Style; many believers fall for everything due to poor mindset. They lack the virtue to communicate their essence( inner worth) due to poor attitude. Their essence within does not translate to the presence without.

10. Saturation Point;The level of thirst and drive matters. Many saints appear lazy. They easily give up..having short attention span. Concentration challenge is the bane of many in the faith. Oh! zeal for higher level of satisfaction is lacking in many. Contentment is a virtue, while the zeal to be more in your mind is an attitude that strengthens one’s might.


Believers’ Mental Intelligence for Lifestyle and Optimal Productivity

1 Corinthians 2:15-16 “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ”


The mental health and intelligence plays a vital role in determining the depth of relationship and responsibilities of the believers in time. His consciousness and awareness of the workings of his mind, will and the emotion set the pace for his mental intelligence.

The mind is the seat of his thoughts, imaginations, memory , reasoning and concepts.The will is his capacity for decisions given the impressions and convictions. His emotion( E-motion: energy in motion) serves as the driver of the decisions and conclusions before he acts on them physically. All three describes are happenings within an individual expressing his personality…so he is not a robot but an individual who uses his vital essence to create the much needed presence outside him.

10 basic ways to develop mental intelligence for lifestyle and productivity

1.Curiosity: Believers must demonstrate the eagerness for knowledge and the intensity to build mental skills. Beyond physical skills, they must engage their mind to building soft skills on a continuous basis.

2. Flexibility: Many believers operate in very rigid mindset. They hardly defect even at the instance of a better light. God must bend us in order to bless us at all times. No matter your personal principles, learn to bend at the instance of a new light. Learning to conform to the genuine is mental intelligence.

3. Adversity: Adversity has a way of revealing the state of the believer’s mind. When you faint in the day of adversity, then you have a small strength. P24:10.

4. Complexity: Believer’s with low mental intelligence quickly throws in the towel in the face of complex situation; they give up too soon over little matters – and are not able to bounce back within a short frame of time..

5. Sincerity: Personal identity crises with certain believers stem out of their tendencies for insincerity. Not acknowledging, admitting and appreciating their current status does more harm than good. Believers must walk in truth and sincerity at all times.Plainness opens one up for support and favor than “packaging” in pretence in the face of serious challenge.

6. Audacity: how bold you are as a believer to confront issues whether good, bad or ugly has a way to determining the growth of your mental intelligence. Such declaration or requisite action has a way of exposing your depth for the attraction of favor. Apollos was there. Boldness earned him support from the ministry of Priscilla and Aquila – Acts 18:24- 28

7. Adaptability: certain christians frown at rebuke or corrections. They take things personally when encouraged or indicted. Being able to change quickly as positive realities present itself is a virtue for mental intelligence. It is not enough to know the word of God; one must be able to readily apply it wherever it is meant. Mental intelligence is being able to overhaul knowledge from time to time.

8. Ability: relating with one’s abilities is a simple way to growing your mental intelligence. Reckoning with your competence, skills, gits and talents is to give vent to your intelligence. Whether as per artificial or emotional, your ability is critical when developed and deployed to serve the common good.

9.Activity: what you do as a christian spells you out over time. The responsibility you handle well has a way of manifesting your traits and character. Mental intelligence is seen and extolled when you expressed through activities you performed. Every assignment has a way of revealing one’s identity. Faithful service propels the crave and acquisition of a deeper intelligence.

10.Reality: Certain situation and circumstances around you is ordained by God to polish and fine tune your persona. Seek to understand the design as you also request for the details. Desire from the LORD the moment-by-moment explanation of things. He would open your eyes and speak to you. Men and people relate more with what they can see. Seek to understand the times and seasons in order to be atop of your game.