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Taxes, retirement, and financial policies are some of the most controversial areas of policy development. There are a variety of opinions, data sources, and expert reports out there on each of these areas. Therefore, along with all proposed policy, it is important that we can evaluate each policy. In this week’s lesson, we discussed the three primary and five ancillary evaluative criteria that Kraft considers essential in analyzing policies. So, let’s put this information into practice.

Let’s take a look at some articles or resources on taxes, retirement, and financial policies. Please go to the APUS Library Guide for Public Administration at . Go to the Think Tanks and Interest Groups Tab. Choose one from the list given there and tell us which one you chose. Then find an article or resource that discusses a policy.

For your forum post:

(1) Summarize the key points made within the article.

(2) Now, select at least three evaluative criteria from this week’s lesson to analyze the points made in the article. For example, did the author address the equity of the policy and if so, what did they say? If they didn’t address it, what do you think the author would have said about the missing evaluative criteria?

(3) Analyze the policy alternatives for your selected policy topic/article.

Note: most everything has impact on most of these three things. I don’t want to see things that are impacted by fiscal, tax, or retirement (almost everything in life is), but policy that is created as financial, tax, or retirement policy.



Based on the framework laid out in your lesson, you are to critically analyze an enacted state policy. This should be something you have seen show up in the news, an issue you are interested in, or a policy that could have direct impact on your life. It can be anything so long as it has been voted on by your state’s legislative branch, has been approved by the executive office, and has been signed into law. To make your work a little easier, you’ll likely want to choose something that has had media/public attention and is a broad enough issue that you can find scholarly sources to provide background information. Some examples of state issues include: fracking, legalization of medical marijuana, mental health services, pandemic response, state budget and spending, etc.

In this 5-7 page analysis you should:

  • Establish the history of the issue
  • Identify the major policy concepts/contexts
  • Identify the stakeholders
  • Review the development and implementation of the policy (what was the policymaking process?)
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and its ability to meet stated goals (if possible)
  • Provide an analysis with recommendations for improving or modifying the policy (be sure to include your recommendations for adjustments, expansion or alternatives)
  • Situate your analysis in the contemporary policy literature.

Make sure you draw from the lesson and relevant PA journals. A list of good online journals is available in our online library. You should incorporate at least 4 scholarly journal sources. Remember that the content must be 5-7 pages (excluding title page and references) . *Your essay will be automatically uploaded to and an originality report will be generated for you.

Reading resources:

Image Citations

“Graphs and charts” by… Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Related Materials. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2017, from…

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Reports . (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2017, from…

Kaiser, F. M., and McMurtry, V.A. (1998, March 17). Government Performance and Results Act: Proposed Amendments (H.R. 2883). Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from

U.S. Congress. S.20 – Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. Retrieved from