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University of Phoenix My Career in Psychology Essay

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Review the notes from the interview with a psychology professional and integrate any relevant information into your paper.

Title page in APA format.

Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.

Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.

Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming a practitioner scholar in the field of psychology and the importance and relevance of your vision and goals to your personal and professional aspirations.

References in APA format.

Determine the scientific merit of the professional literature.

Apply theoretical and research findings from the discipline of psychology to professional and academic activities.

Apply ethical principles and standards of psychology to academic and professional activities.

Embrace, respect, and respond to individual differences and diversity in the practice of psychology.

Communicate psychological concepts effectively using the professional standards of the discipline.

create your vision as a psychology practitioner-scholar, and translate that vision into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely long-term goals to create milestones for a plan of action. Review your narrative and formulate meaningful and relevant educational, career, and life goals to achieve your vision. Here are a couple of examples to get you started:

Earn my master’s degree in psychology in three years.

Develop strategies to stay up to date and evaluate scholarly and professional literature and research related to key theories, authors, and best practices in technology enhanced K–12 learning over the next three years.

Accurately select, administer, score, and interpret psychological tests in the workplace in four years.

Complete the following:

1.Review the SMART Goals presentation for more information about creating specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals. Focus on the Long-Term Goal section at this point.

2.Review your vision statement and use the table below to start drafting goals to break down your vision into long-term milestones.