Identify the state you are researching (should be the state within which you have or will register your business) What are the consequences of a breach of contract for your state? What are the consequences of a breach of contract that is heard in the federal judiciary system? Which has judicial power over the other – federal or state court system? For those engaged in international commerce, such as exporting or selling goods to consumers in foreign countries (even through the Internet), explain the consequences of a breach of international contract of law: Which country has judicial power in hearing the case of a breach of contract?

  1. Identify the state you are researching (should be the state within which you have or will register your business)
  2. What are the consequences of a breach of contract for your state?
  3. What are the consequences of a breach of contract that is heard in the federal judiciary system?
  4. Which has judicial power over the other – federal or state court system?
  5. For those engaged in international commerce, such as exporting or selling goods to consumers in foreign countries (even through the Internet), explain the consequences of a breach of international contract of law:
  6. Which country has judicial power in hearing the case of a breach of contract?

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