Improving Ethnocultural Empathy in Healthcare Students through a Targeted Intervention”

Improving Ethnocultural Empathy in Healthcare Students through a Targeted Intervention”.

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Read the case study titled, “Improving Ethnocultural Empathy in Healthcare Students through a Targeted Intervention”. The link is above.Review the study and its outcome. Summarize the case and answer the following questions:

    Who are the authors of the study and why did they conduct this study?

    Healthcare professionals need to be trained in what ways for proper and effective care and communication regardless of a patient’s cultural background?

    What are health disparities and what factors contribute to these disparities?

    How do we overcome health disparities and what is your role in this process what is your role with your staff when it comes to diversity and multiculturalism?

Improving Ethnocultural Empathy in Healthcare Students through a Targeted Intervention”