Information Systems homework help

Information Systems homework help.

Speech Observation Analysis (50 points total)
Locate a speech online (via YouTube or other streaming video platform). The speech must be at least 10 minutes in length.
In an essay of at least two double-spaced pages (12 point font, 1 inch margins all around), analyze the speech. The essay should include the following:
1. Identify the purpose/objective of the speech (5 points).
2. Does the speaker accomplish her/his purpose? Use the textbook as your source to support this answer (10 points).
3. Identify the speaker’s main points (5 points).
4. Does the speaker fully explore their main points? Use the textbook as your source to support this answer (10 points).
5. Analyze the speaker’s delivery of the speech. Use the textbook to support your analysis. The analysis should include (10 points):
a. Speaking style (is it extemporaneous, manuscript, or impromptu)?
b. Use of voice
c. Use of gestures
d. Posture
e. Eye contact with the audience
6. What if anything from the speech would you like to incorporate into your speaking style? (5 points)
5 points for writing clarity.

Information Systems homework help

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