Information Systems homework help


Download and install a Virtual Machine (VM) (e.g. Virtualbox, VMWare) and an Operating Systems for that VM (e.g. Centos). After completion, open a terminal and make three commands:

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$ whoami

$ hostname


$ ifconfig             (if the VM is Mac or Linux)


$ ipconfig            (if the VM is Windows)


$ ip addr show    (some Windows VM need this command)


Then screen shot the VM and send the PDF file as part of the HW1 answer. The snap shot can be from a phone or camera, then submit it as a PDF or JPEG file. The screen shot must show the VM logo (such as Oracle VM). The screen shot can’t be from a host computer.  (40%)








The instruction below is based on Virtualbox as the VM and Centos as the VM OS on a MAC OS 10.10.5. Virtualbox is like a virtual computer hardware and Centos is the operating system for the Virtualbox.

Do Google search for Oracle Virtualbox and Centos free download for your platform. Be sure to get the right ones for your platform, for example “*.dmg” for MAC. Some downloads are OS version specific, for example, MAC OS 10.10.x.

Install your VM. In the case of Virtualbox for MAC, just double click “Virtualbox-xxx.dmg”. From the pop-up window, drag “Virtualbox” onto the “Application” folder. Close the pop-up window. Double click “Virtualbox” icon to launch Virtualbox.


In the Virtualbox window. There is no OS installed yet. You can install many OS on the VM, but only one OS can run at once. To toggle between the Virtualbox and the host environment, press the “command” key on the MAC.

On the top panel click “New”. A new smaller window pop-up within. Enter a “Name” for this VM OS you are about to create, e.g. “Centos_1”.

Choose a “Type” for the OS. Centos’ type is  “Linux”. For “Version”, choose “Red Hat (64-bit)”.

Adjust “Memory size” to 8GB.

For “Hard Disk”, choose

“Create a virtual hard disk now”, if you never had one. This is the case for most of you.

“Use an existing virtual hard disk file”, if you are using one from other person or previous created one.

Click “Create”.

Another window pop-up. For “file location”, leave it alone, or click the right icon next to it for determining your own location.

For “Hard Disk File Type”, choose,

“VDI (Virtual Disk Image)”, if you don’t need to port it to another computer.

“VMMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)”, if you want to port it to another computer.

Click “Create”.

Another window pop-up. It asks where the bootable file is. Right click on the icon next to it, choose the Centos-xxx.iso file (a CD/DVD disk image) or any virtual OS image that you downloaded. This will create the virtual OS on the VM. For Centos, you will need to go through configuration to choose files and features you need. Then on the second configuration window, be sure to create a root password and a user account other than the root. Give it the administrate privileges, that will make it easier to do things later on. But be aware that this user can also damage the system, if she/he doesn’t know what to do. The good thing is that you can always create another VM and VM OS.


The alternative to Centos VM is to use VMware or Oracle VM. Windows 10 seems to have difficulty in installing Centos VM, or VMWare, but it should have no problem installing Oracle VM.

Once the system is configured and ready to use, right click to open a terminal.

Type in the three commands and print screen FROM VM. The screen shot must contain the VM lego and name on it, preferred also have host on the background, but not mandatory.

$ whoami

$ hostname

$ ifconfig      (if the VM is Mac or Linux)

$ ipconfig     (if the VM is Windows)

$ ip addr show   (some Windows VM need this command)

You save print screen with key board combination or use your cell phone and screen shot in a PDF file and send it alone with other HW1 answers. Then send the VM screen shot as a PDF or JPEG file as part of the HW1 answer. The snapshot can be from a phone or camera, then submit it as a PDF or JPEG file. The screen shot must show the VM logo (such as Oracle VM). The screen shot can’t be from a host computer.