Information Systems Homework Help

Answer the Following questions in your own words (No quotes). Minimum 200 words per answer 1. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publishes a Summary of Ethics Rules. One of its

Answer the Following questions in your own words (No quotes). Minimum 200 words per answer

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1. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publishes a Summary of Ethics Rules. One of its statements is “Employees shall not use public office for private gain.” 

Some counties view using public office for private gain to be corruption, to others, it may be the status-quo. 

Research definitions of the term “corruption.” 

State your opinion on using public office for private gain (is it right or wrong?), and state to which classical ethical theory your outlook aligns. 

2. Discuss one of the Case Studies form Ch. 3, “Networked Communications,” of Ethics for the Information Age. 

Provide your opinion on which ethical analysis you support and why. Does your analysis change if you take a global perspective? 

3.  Research Transparency International (TI) which publishes the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) and annually ranks countries “by their perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.” The CPI generally defines corruption as “the misuse of public power for private benefit.” 

Discuss your outlook on the CPI. Do you agree with TI’s assessment of the United States, India, and Somalia? Why or why not? 

4. Consider that monitoring employees’ web access, and restricting access to risky sites, is a best practice for most organizations. How far should monitoring go? For instance, consider the situations in which an employee is looking at job sites to look for a new job, or looking at weapons and terrorist sites, or researching cancer treatments. Does permitting access to risky sites pose a risk to the organization? 

Present a stance you would take from a leadership position in the U.S. on the ethical limits of monitoring employees versus your stance if you were in a leadership position in a different country, such as China or North Korea. 

Provide a policy statement to support either stance; for example, “The organization will strictly restrict web access by employees in order to promote security and avoid leaks of sensitive information.” 

5. Examine practical ways executive management can address the political, ethical, and cultural challenges that arise, such as bans on cartoons, website blocks, and “fake” news. How can executive management impact the company perception of the above issues while preserving employee independence and privacy?