Information Systems Homework Help

The Impact of Various Internal and External Organizational “Environments” on IT Management The ability to understand various elements within and outside your topic organization and the extent to which

The Impact of Various Internal and External Organizational “Environments” on IT Management

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The ability to understand various elements within and outside your topic organization and the extent to which they affect information technology are keenly important to the organization’s management. One facet of this ability is to be able to successfully scan various internal and external “environments” (social, economic, political, and technological, etc.) at numerous organizational levels (as well as the demands of their various publics). This module will focus on gaining a better understanding of the “environmental” conditions facing your chosen Capstone organization and how to assess the elements of required planned change.

This module will be primarily devoted to the careful review of your previous Capstone Case paper segments, assembling them into a cohesive finished product (with one overall case introduction and conclusion) which reflects careful discussion, as well as the comprehensive integration/citation of previous MSITM coursework and other relevant sources.

Case Assignment

In this module, you will perform a careful review of your previous Capstone Case paper segments, assembling them into a cohesive finished product (with one overall case introduction and conclusion) which reflects careful discussion, as well as the comprehensive integration/citation of previous MSITM coursework and other relevant sources into your IT Governance Project. Also, you will produce a video where you present your project. Then post a link to the YouTube video with a presentation of your IT Governance project. 

Assignment Expectations

Your Capstone Case assignment is to produce a reasonable and workable plan to set the stage for these forthcoming IT improvements—a plan that will help affected organization managers, employees, and customers better embrace the forthcoming change implementation. Include these areas in your YouTube presentation as well. This paper require that you integrate, discuss, contiguously cite, and later fully reference at least five academically sound sources. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. This paper is incomplete without at least five academically sound references.