Law homework help

Law homework help. DO a code specifically for the questions asked in the pictures aboveFor part b : private void rehash(){…..}Attachment 1Attachment 2You are given the following classes :"class LINOde EClass Hashtable [String key ; String value ;LINOde [ ] table ;int hashCode ; LLNode next ;int num Values ;LINOde ( String K, String V ,float load Factor Threshold ;int h , [[Node next ) {Hashtable ( float Load Factor Threshold ) { … ]Key = K; value= V ;}hash Code = h ; next = nxt ;a) Implement a method in the Hashtable class to insert a key-value pair into the hash table .using the function ~ mod N to map a hash code ~ to a table location . N is table size ( capacity ) :1/ inserts ( key , value ) into hash table ,1/ calls rehash method ( part b ) if load factor threshold is exceeded1/ Note : String class implements the hashCode methodpublic void insert ( String key , String value ) {

Law homework help

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