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Rasmussen College Theories of Environmental Criminology Discussion

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Jane Jacobs published “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” in 1961, many years before scholars began talking about the theories of environmental criminology. Jacobs’ focus in writing was in highlighting the elements that make cities thrive, particularly related to urban planning and economics.  But what makes cities thrive is intricately connected with crime.  A city is unlikely to be perceived as thriving if it has rampant crime. In her discussion of Sidewalks in Chapter 2 of “Death and Life”, Jacobs notes the importance of “eyes on the street.”  Her eyes on the street concept is exactly what is highlighted in the idea of “surveillance” in CPTED. Think about how she talks about the eyes on the street and the different examples that she uses. 

–Identify a few of her examples of eyes on the street in your discussion this week.

–Talk about the eyes on the street in your neighborhood. 

–You may need to put her “eyes” in a modern context – don’t forget that she wrote this 60 years ago.  How have “eyes on the street” changed over that time? 

-Finally, consider the social aspect of “eyes on the street” with the very physical elements you examined in your CPTED surveys.  Do they work together?  How?