Law Homework Help

Need it in 7 hours  IntroductionThis assignment is connected with this week’s discussion 1 and is where you will discuss the surveys that you took. Activity InstructionsIn discussion 1, you took a min

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IntroductionThis assignment is connected with this week’s discussion 1 and is where you will discuss the surveys that you took.

Activity InstructionsIn discussion 1, you took a minimum of four surveys to help provide data to your classmates. Talk about your thoughts while taking the various surveys. Did you find other surveys to be helpful for you to refine your own survey? What were some areas of noted improvement on the surveys that you did take? Do you think that your classmates could have worded their questions differently to gain a better response?

For any reason if there are no surveys that you wish to take please inform the instructor so they can provide an alternative assignment.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • 2-3 pages in length
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font

Grading and Assessment

  • Your grade will be based if you completed all the surveys uploaded in the discussion. Or if you choose not to complete all the surveys then the grade will be based on an alternative assignment.