Law Homework Help

500  words  The unique needs of each individual offender means that a “one size fits all” approach to sanctions does not work for offenders. As a result, a range of punishments has been developed to a

500  words 

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The unique needs of each individual offender means that a “one size fits all” approach to sanctions does not work for offenders. As a result, a range of punishments has been developed to address the various needs of different offenders.

In your initial response, discuss the role of intermediate sanctions as a punishment alternative within corrections. Begin your response by defining the concept of intermediate sanctions as it applies to corrections. Provide specific examples of different types of intermediate sanctions. Conclude your response by evaluating whether or not you believe intermediate sanctions as they are currently designed are effectively working to rehabilitate offenders.

In your response posts to classmates, evaluate the position taken by the classmate regarding whether or not intermediate sanctions as they are currently designed are effectively working to rehabilitate offenders. If you agree with the position of the classmate, provide additional justification for this point of view. If you disagree, respectfully explain why you take an opposing view, being sure to defend the position you are taking.

Initial posts must be a minimum of 500 words not counting the repeating of the question or reference list, and incorporate material from at least two (2) cited sources