Law Homework Help

Recently the Trump administration proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act that critics say will have two very negative affects on wildlife in the U.S. Read this article from

Recently the Trump administration proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act that critics say will have two very negative affects on wildlife in the U.S.  Read this article from VOX Magazine and explain in a short paper the two effects that opponents claim the new rule will have.  Then, answer each of the following questions in a separate paragraph.

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  • Do you agree with the author about the possible harmful effects of these changes?
  • How do these effects on wildlife compare to the potential positive effects these changes may have on business and the economy?
  • Overall, do you agree with changes or should they be stopped by the legislature or the courts?

Short papers should be a minimum of 500 words long. When you are asked to read an article, case summary, or watch a video from an outside source you should specifically mention or quote something from that source at least twice in your paper.  Any reference to or use of outside information should be noted (cited) either in the paper or at the bottom of the page.