Literature homework help

Topic: male and female misogynists roles throughout the decades
Some examples- females get shamed for their bodies, get sexualized. Males rap about drugs,
money sex but if a female does it too much she is seem as “dirty”
Male rappers always have been more popular than female rappers (write why)
If males say they like nicki minaj or cardi b people would say they are ‘gay’ as sad as it sounds
its true.
You MUST mention african american artists from 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, to MODERN rappers.
(compare both time periods)
-Make a compilation of 7 songs in African American Music (of any genre) representing the
cultural hypothesis that you propose.
-Include references from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s, including those we studied.
(The should be 2 references for each of the 7 decades)
Genres to write about: Blues, Jazz, Classical, Rap, Hip hop, Secular music, Church Music,
Religious music in African American Culture.
-Have to mention modern rappers and old rappers (50’s, 60’s, etc)
– A reference can be socially historical and/or musically historical
-APA format 12 pt font. Double spaced. Work Cited Include

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