Management homework help



MODULE TITLE: – International Business (IB)

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Assessment Type:

3,000 word Assignment (60% Weight) and

300 words PPT Presentation (40% Weight)



Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-


Task A


3000 Words Practical Business Report (60%)


Using a company of your choice, you are required to apply appropriate International Business theory covered in class, to write a practical business report addressed to its top management. The report is to outline the company’s way forward towards its internationalization to a new market.


Please note: You are to supply the full URL of the company you have selected and on which you will write your report.


Your 3000-word report should enlighten management on the practice of international business and provide perspectives on contemporary globalization. It should also include at least four recommendations for the attention of the company’s top management about how to navigate the international   landscape.



Task B


Power Point slides Presentation – 300 words (40% Weight)


Prepare a maximum of 10 Power Point Slides for presentation to senior management regarding your Practical Business Report.            


Maximum Word Limit for each aspect within the assessment:


  • Word Limit- Practical Business report – 3000 words. (+/-10%)
  • Word Limit- PPT Slides               – 300 words.



Include the following in your Written Business report:


  1. A Front Page that looks professional and includes the minimum necessary details expected on front pages of professional reports such as author, date, title and short objective/s. Any other relevant detail/s are
  2. An Overall Company Description that highlights who the company is and what it

3.  An Executive Summary. You are advised to leave the writing of the executive summary to when you have completed the report so that you can include in it the main highlights of your report.

  1. An introduction. You should include a general introduction to international business and the contemporary forces that attract companies to compete
  2. Discussion and analysis. In this key section, you need to guide management on the steps they need to follow to investigate and participate in an international market. You need to make management aware of the impact of cultural differences, the importance of ethics, global marketing and international entry & competitive strategy. Refer your report to the context of the company you have
  3. Conclusion. Summarize your discussion into a handful of significant
  4. Recommendations. Include at least four justified recommendations to management on how to proceed with internationalizing their
  5. References. In this section include any in-text references you may

9.  Bibliography. Include here any references to articles, books, videos etc. that you feel were helpful in compiling your report to management.



Description of Assessment Requirements


  • All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL
  • The assignment should be in a report
  • Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, theory presented, stand taken and the justification of the
  • All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list
  • Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.


Assessment Criteria: Maximum 100 (60% weight towards final grade)


Front Page (5 marks max.)

  • Poor layout with most vital information missing: 0-1
  • Satisfactory layout with some missing information: 2-3
  • Good layout and all vital information present:4-5

Overall Company Description (10 marks max.)

  • Weak company description: 0-3
  • Satisfactory company description: 4-7
  • Good company description: 8-10

Executive Summary (10 marks max.)

  • Missing or poor executive summary: 0-3
  • Satisfactory executive summary but with important points missing: 4-6
  • Good summary with most points included: 7-10

Introduction (10 marks max.)

  • Weak introduction with little reference to the benefits of international business: 0-3
  • Satisfactory introduction that encourages the reader to explore further: 4-6
  • Good introduction that spells out the benefits of international trade: 7-10

Discussion and Analysis (25 marks max.)

  • Weak discussion with little or no analysis: 0-5
  • Satisfactory discussion with little analysis and evaluation: 6-15
  • Good discussion with strong analysis and evaluation: 16-25

Conclusions (10 marks max.)

  • Weak conclusions if any at all: 0-3
  • Some conclusions presented: 4-6
  • Good overall conclusions presented: 7-10

Recommendations (20 marks max.)

  • Weak recommendations if any at all: 0-5
  • Satisfactory recommendations presented with relevant justification: 6-12
  • Good recommendations required with reasoned justifications as required: 13-20

References and Bibliography (10 marks max.)

  • Weak references with no referencing system used: 0-2
  • Some references presented with attention to proper referencing system:3-6
  • Good number of references used with proper referencing system: 7-10






  • Poor PPT presentation; poorly structured argument about research proposal: 1-15
  • Satisfactory PPT presentation; logically structured argument about research proposal and its contents : 16-25
  • Good PPT presentation; logically structured argument: covering each element of research proposal well : 26-40








Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-


·         Take responsibility for their independent working and their own learning


  • Independently critically reflect on the complexity of international business and trade activities and their relationship to enterprise and development activity and strategy within multinational and non-multinational organizations; and devise and implement applications and plans which meet the requirements of particular situations, opportunities, and corporate objectives in business organizations in the international


  • Conduct informed research and from judgements and insights into international business issues and apply theoretical and practically informed insights to the analysis of such issues in the context of a changing and complex international business environment







