Management Homework Help

Subject: Ethical Decision Making for Business – Recommended textbook for the subject: Weiss, J., Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach, 6th edition (CHAPTER 6) – Answer the fol

Subject: Ethical Decision Making for Business

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– Recommended textbook for the subject: Weiss, J., Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach, 6th edition (CHAPTER 6)

– Answer the following essay questions:

1. Do you believe leaders in large Fortune 500 companies follow and model their stated visions, missions, and values in everyday business dealings? Explain. Identify a Fortune 500 company and CEO in the news that demonstrates ethical behavior. Is there any evidence that his or her company’s performance is related to ethical leadership behavior? Explain.

2. What clues would you look for in identifying ethical and unethical activities by evaluating an organization’s structure? Explain.

3. Draft a brief values statement (or list some major values) of the ideal company for which you would like to work. Assess a business you know well using your list. What similarities and differences did you find? Compare your list to the examples in this chapter. What are the similarities or differences?

4. Which is most effective for organizational stakeholders: internal self-regulation or government regulation? Explain your answer.

5. Do you think companies have to operate ethically to be financially successful? Why or why not?