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The company studied is LinkedInassessment Task Two for Business Strategy

The company studied is LinkedIn

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assessment Task Two for Business Strategy

is to prepare a strategy evaluation addressed

at the CEO of an organization of your choice. To complete this task, you are asked to work

in a group of three to four members

roblem definition – provide a

concise description of an issue to be addressed or a

1condition to be improved upon;

2 Macro-environmental, industry and internal analyses – indicating the need for a new strategic plan

3Suggestion of suitable strategy options, giving due consideration to all the key factors (see above)

4 Evaluation of these strategy options with regards to the organsation’s triple bottom line (including environmental, social, and economic outcomes), as well as on the. organisation’s ethics regime

I just need to solve the question 3

I need to ask question 3: Suggestion of suitable strategy options, giving due consideration to all the key factors (see above)