Management Homework Help

You are a Project Manager for a new product development project in your organization. As you are

You are a Project Manager for a new product development project in your organization. As you are

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documenting the Project Plan component, you remember that you need to document a plan for your team. The Team Plan is an important plan because:

a) It is the mechanism that is used to ensure that you have optimized all your resources through resource smoothing or resource leveling.

b) It will document what project organization structure you will use and how the structure best matches the project whether it be matrix, functional, or pure project.

c) It will document all the people resources you need for successful project completion as well as their individual training needs, recognition, and team building activities you are planning.

d) It will keep track of all of your Stakeholders along with their level of interest and their level of power (or influence), which is important for Stakeholder relationships.