Management Homework Help

Instructions Brief Description Through this two-part project you will develop your personal ethical vision statement. Over the course of several units, you will construct your ethical vision statement


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Brief Description

Through this two-part project you will develop your personal ethical vision statement. Over the course of several units, you will construct your ethical vision statement to assist you in future and present encounters you are faced with in both your personal and professional life.

Part 2. Discovering Your Beliefs and Practices and Clarifying Why

  • Identify your beliefs and how these beliefs impact your ethical behavior.
    • Identify what the most important five beliefs you have are.
  • Clarify your belief and practices in terms of acting ethically.
    • Present an argument why you chose these ethical principles.
    • What makes these important to you and in your future business dealings.
    • Identify what your core values are that guide the way you work and make decisions.
    • What challenges you face or anticipate facing in living these beliefs.

The statement should articulate what you strive to be as a business professional, including:

  • What influences your actions and interactions with others and your organization;
  • Demonstrate how you would put these guiding ideals into practice; and
  • How this statement will serve as a guidepost for decision making

The paper should follow the APA guidelines for format and citation.