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Business Law – ContractXYZ Corporation offers UVW Corporation $10,000 for a shipment of 500 widgets in

Business Law – Contract

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XYZ Corporation offers UVW Corporation $10,000 for a shipment of 500 widgets in

2012. UVW accepts the offer. Instead of delivering 500 widgets, UVW promptly delivers 500 waldos, which are not at all interchangeable with widgets. Due to an oversight, XYZ does not figure out the problem until 2016. There is a statute of limitations of three years for breach of contract actions. What is the likely result?

Select one: a. The contract will be valid but unenforceable. b. The contract will be unenforceable due to subsequent illegality. c. The contract will be invalid but enforceable for public policy reasons. d. The contract will still be enforceable based on substantial performance. 