Management Homework Help

OB – Answer these essay questions (attached are the chapters of the book required to complete this activity): 1. Select one multinational organization that gets a lot of media attention and that most

OB – Answer these essay questions (attached are the chapters of the book required to complete this activity):

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1.  Select one multinational organization that gets a lot of media attention and that most people are aware of, and explain its organizational culture using the 7 primary characteristics as listed in Chapter 16.

2. Find one company – preferably one that garners frequent media attention – whose organization culture you think is exemplary. Explain the components of the company’s culture and why you think it’s an ideal place to work.

3. If you were a remote employee for a small book publishing company that was 200 miles from your home, how would you work to ensure you were still part of the organizational culture? Or do you think remote employees who never come to the office can’t be a part of the organization’s culture? Explain your viewpoint in detail.

4. You run a small app development company that has 9 employees: 3 of whom work in the office and the others work remotely but come to the office for quarterly meetings and team building activities. All 9 of your employees have been with you since day one and all are very satisfied with their job and the organization. You’re organizational culture is a relaxed one, where people have freedom to set their own hours, learn on the job, and always stretch their abilities. You think of your staff as your family. Due to rapid growth you are thinking about hiring 3 employees in Mumbai, India. If you do this, how could you work to export your organizational culture in a way that those employees have the same experience as your employees in the U.S.?

5. Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization.