Management Homework Help

INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN THE WORKPLACEAssignment Overview View the following presentation: What do you think happens when you put together a group o


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View the following presentation:

What do you think happens when you put together a group of people from a variety of diverse backgrounds and cultures? This is what you are going to learn in this module. Two commonly recognized benefits include:

  • better problem solving
  • increased productivity

Think of staffing a company like putting together a puzzle: fitting people into the best “fit” with their skills and experiences, but not forgetting about considering their potential, too.

Not only do new diverse employees bring their skills and experiences, but they also bring their knowledge and ideas. Employees should not be nervous about making suggestions in front of their peers because research has shown that diverse teams see a “60% improvement in decision-making abilities” (PM Editorial, 2017, para. 2).

Source: PM Editorial. (2017, October 23). Diversity drives better decisions. People Management. Retrieved from Available in the Trident Online Library.

Every employee has valuable input regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, or other cultural variables. It really all comes down to experience as to the quality of their suggestions.

Have you ever worked at a company where you had a supervisor who did not seem to appreciate you for your differences from your coworkers? If not, imagine that you were in that position—one where nothing you did seemed to please your supervisor. How would that make you feel? Given this scenario, would you be prepared to work all day with an upbeat feeling of confidence that you are a valued asset to your employer?

Your feelings really depend upon your own key personality characteristics, so it is important to know what those characteristics are. You can easily find out by taking the free Big 5 Test that is comparable to both the Myers-Briggs and Jung tests. The five factors measured by this test are: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability (also called “neuroticism”), and intellect/imagination (also called “openness”). The test only takes about seven minutes or less to complete.

Learn more about diversity.

Case Assignment

In this first Case Assignment, you are asked to take a personality test to see what your five major personality factors are. When you have completed the test, your assignment is to write an essay that addresses the results of your personality test and how your characteristics affect your job attitude and performance.

Your essay will cover the following five questions:

  1. List your five personality factors, including your score. Describe a summary of each factor according to the report received after taking the test.
  2. After reviewing your report, is there any part of the report that you do not agree with? Why do you not agree with it? Explain in detail.
  3. Is there any part of your personality characteristics that you want to work on to change? Explain in detail.
  4. How does your personality affect your attitude at work? At home? In a public setting? Explain in detail.
  5. How does your personality affect your job performance? Explain in detail.

For this assignment, submit a 4- to 5-page essay, not counting the cover or reference list pages.

A good way to organize your paper is to divide it into the following sections:

  1. Introduction that briefly describes the assignment and personality test
  2. Extraversion
  3. Agreeableness
  4. Conscientiousness
  5. Neuroticism
  6. Openness
  7. Do I agree with my test results?
  8. Time for a change?
  9. Personality vs attitude
  10. Personality vs job performance
  11. References

Support your arguments with at least two scholarly references to the concepts you discuss in your paper.

This assignment is about you, so feel free to write in the first person, using the words I, me, my, etc.

Note: A URL (website address) is not a reference. A reference always contains four parts: author, publication date, article title, and the source of the article. Sometimes there is no author, but the APA manual tells you what you can put in that spot instead. The source for a high-quality peer-reviewed journal article is the journal. When you find an article in the Library, look for the ” icon and click on it then select the APA format from the drop-down list and you can then copy/paste the reference onto your reference list. You may have to clean it up some because they are not always input into the database correctly.