Management Homework Help

Subject area: Project Management This Project requires you to construct a Project Management Plan (with accompanied subsidiary plans). Please note, the project management topic will require researc

Subject area: Project Management

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This Project requires you to construct a Project Management Plan (with accompanied subsidiary plans). 

Please note, the project management topic will require research, so choose a topic the that you are passionate about researching. The first question is…. What’s the problem you are trying to solve? 

The project topic idea format should include the 4 key components: (1) situation, (2) problem, (3) objectives, and (4) project (see example below). Please address each component and submit at least two (2) project ideas by Thursday, October 28, 2021 for my attention and approval. Ill choose which one you will be required to do.  The project is 50 pages


Below is an example of a student’s project done last term. 

Situation: There are at least 1,500 individuals who are homeless island-wide. The majority — a total of 616 persons — reside in the parishes of Kingston and St Andrew. St James

Problem: Homelessness in Kingston, Jamaica. Several reasons contribute to individuals becoming homeless. These include, but are not limited to,

Mental challenges, crime, and violence, health issues (non-mental), family challenges, eviction, drug abuse, general poverty, unemployment, ex-offender, deportation, abuse or exploitation, urban drift is also responsible for and contribute to some of the issues related to homelessness being experienced today.

Project Objectives:

  • Meet the needs of homeless individuals in Kingston, for shelter and food,
  • To deliver a transitional home program to empower our clients with social and independent living skills and opportunities.
  • Reduce the number of homeless and socially displaced individuals in Kingston, JA

Project: To build and operate a 8 million USD transitional home in downtown Kingston. Transitional housing helps individuals and families both live independently and move into long-term, permanent housing or apartment. The intent is to provide a housing solution for people living on the streets. The shelter will serve 100 people (individuals and families).
