Management Homework Help

Find a video ad that you believe epitomizes a firm’s attempt to tap High (Cognitive) Involvement. Include the link so that I can watch it. A. Discuss the High (Cognitive) Involvement Model. List

Find a video ad that you believe epitomizes a firm’s attempt to tap High (Cognitive) Involvement.  Include the link so that I can watch it.  A.    Discuss the High (Cognitive) Involvement Model.  List the sequential steps in the process.B.    Discuss effort involved in the purchase related to the ad and product which you chose.C.    Discuss cognitive processing done of the ad’s arguments (i.e., attributes, tied to consumer needs).D.    Discuss aspects of the source which could facilitate acceptance of the message arguments.E.    Discuss the “type of appeal” used.  Refer to your text (Ch. 8).  

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