Management Homework Help

6.15 Define and illustrate with a model or diagram the following methods to evaluate adaptive strategies: – SWOT Analysis

6.15       Define and illustrate with a model or diagram the following methods to evaluate adaptive strategies: 

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                                       – SWOT Analysis                                                                                      

                                  – Product Life Cycle analysis

                                   – Portfolio Analysis

                                   – Portfolio Matrix Analysis

                                   – Strategic Position and Action Evaluation

                                   – Program Evaluation

                                                – Planning and Evaluation Logic Models

                                               – Planning, Evaluation, and Communication Matrix

                        6.16       Explain the relationship between situational analysis and strategy mapping.

                    6.17      Explain how organizational support structures and strategies are critical to the effective implementation of strategy.

                  6.18        Explain how the value-adding delivery and support strategies provide guidance                            for the development of organizational objectives and action plans.