Management Homework Help

For this discussion forum, address each of the following items to construct your initial commentary response: Compare and contrast DMAIC and other Lean Six Sigma methods.Identify a real-world organiza

For this discussion forum, address each of the following items to construct your initial commentary response:

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  1. Compare and contrast DMAIC and other Lean Six Sigma methods.
  2. Identify a real-world organization with which you are personally familiar or that you have researched and designate whether it is predominately product- or service-based operations.
  3. Describe how Six Sigma (DMAIC or Lean methods) is, or could be, integrated into the subject organization’s product or service design.

A substantive initial post addresses all the key topic elements using approximately 200-300 words. Incorporate into your discussion commentary at least three recent scholarly references and citation support according to proper CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)standards.