Management Homework Help

Activity Type This is a Case Study Analysis to be done individually. Refer to the case in Appendix A, titled “A Day in the Life -2019.” Objectives This case provides students an opportunity to identif

Activity Type

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This is a Case Study Analysis to be done individually. Refer to the case in Appendix A, titled “A Day in the Life -2019.”


This case provides students an opportunity to identify how rapid changes in the global project management environment, innovation and market conditions can impact how projects are managed, and to apply their understanding of the technical and socio-cultural dimensions of project governance.

Required Materials

Case # 1.1 in your Textbook (Larson & Gray), p. 21: A Day in the Life – 2019 [Appendix A]

Unit Assignment # 1 Questions

  1. Based on your understanding of the technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management, how effective do you think Rachel spent her day? Identify at least five characteristics/functions of project management that Rachel displayed in order to support your answer.
  2. Project governance is designed to improve project management in the whole organization over the long haul. Competing in a global market influenced by rapid change, innovation, and time to market means organizations must manage multiple projects simultaneously. Some means for coordinating and managing these projects in this changing environment is needed. Centralization of project management processes and practices has been the practical outcome. For example, Google, Apple, General Electric, and Sony all have over 1,000 projects that are being implemented concurrently every year across borders and different cultures but are coordinated centrally.
    1. What are the socio-cultural requirements to successfully oversee and manage these multiple projects all at once?
    2. How would you ensure that performance measurements and accountability procedures and metrics are maintained in this scenario?


Prepare your report as an essay, providing responses to the questions above. The entire assignment should be 5 – 6 pages long, double spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow APA referencing style. Make sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion to your report.