Management Homework Help

We’ve all known supervisors or co-workers who think they were bosses; some displayed admirable leadership traits and others may have needed a refresher course on how to manage people. Pursuing an unde

We’ve all known supervisors or co-workers who think they were bosses; some displayed admirable leadership traits and others may have needed a refresher course on how to manage people.

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Pursuing an undergraduate degree at Trident could open doors for you to supervise a team or find yourself in a higher level of management. Based on your experience, what leadership traits would you like to expose, and which ones should have no part in your repertoire?

Discussion 1

Share at least two leadership characteristics that are appealing to you and provide rationale or background as to why you believe these traits will be beneficial to you and your future employees.

On the flip side, share a supervisory nightmare you may have experienced or heard about. Make sure we understand why you deem it a negative experience for workers.

This post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). No research is required; this is a reflection assignment

Discussion 2

As a consumer, share an experience you may have had (or heard about) regarding how “bureaupathology,” (excessive bureaucracy) got in the way of you receiving quality service at a company.

This post should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). No research is required; this is a reflection assignment.