Management Homework Help

PLANNING AND CONTROL Case Assignment Gotta Have a Goal Goals are an integral part of the strategic planning. Look at one aspect of a business: sales. They have hourly, weekly, and monthly goals, coupl


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Case Assignment

Gotta Have a Goal

Goals are an integral part of the strategic planning. Look at one aspect of a business: sales. They have hourly, weekly, and monthly goals, coupled with a plethora of conversion rates for sales activities which are a guiding force in the industry. Failure to meet goals results in lost revenue and lost jobs.

Regardless of what position you hold in a company, you are part of the planning process.

Strategic Planning Research

Using the class text and, predominately, articles from Trident Library’s full-text databases (like Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and/or ProQuest Central), research the following: 

  • How to write, measure, and apply “SMART” objectives for business.
  • How to apply “Balanced Scorecard” in the planning process.
  • Incentives: research the type of incentives that work for helping employees meet objectives.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information, see Differences Between First and Third Person.

Use the attached APA-formatted template (MGT301 Case2) to create your submission.

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • A three-page paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format

Grading Note:

At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric located in the case dropbox is used for this case.

Assignment Expectations

This assignment will be graded using the same grading rubric as in Module 1.  Additional considerations in preparing your assignment:

  • Case reports are to be prepared in Microsoft Word and should be 3-4 pages in length, in addition to a cover page (course name and number, module number, session name, student name, and date prepared) and reference list – double-spaced, 12 pt. type, Times New Roman font.
  • Report content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and some preliminary discussion of the analytical tools (situation analysis and SWOT analysis) being applied in addressing the questions or tasks proposed in the assignment. 
  • Use subtitles, bullets, and tables to improve presentation values.  In this case, a suggested structure for the assignment might be: 
    • Introduction
    • Situation Analysis
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
  •  Attention is to be given to citing sources of information in text as well as in the reference list at the end of reports.  Citation and reference style instructions are available at