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PLANNING: PERT-CPMAssignment Overview PERT & CPM APPLICATION PERT is a graphical representation for project scheduling. It supports time management and helps operations teams plan and execute more

PLANNING: PERT-CPMAssignment Overview

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PERT is a graphical representation for project scheduling. It supports time management and helps operations teams plan and execute more effectively. 

Case Assignment

Introduction (2-3 sentences)

  • Provide a fact that you came across researching the topic that will pique your readers’ interest. NOTE: Introductions and conclusions may be written after the body of the paper is completed.

PERT Tool Research

Search the internet for templates or free software to create the PERT. If you easily learn new programs, check out free online apps or companies that offer no-cost downloads for creating PERT charts. Templates are best if you find attacking new software too daunting in a two-week module. This is your project: Make decisions that fit the way you work best.

Your project application will be Module 4 work in OPM300. Create an in-depth PERT chart that graphically represents how the project will be set up. Provide the source of the template or the link to the software used.

  • Begin this section with a description of the PERT tool.
  • Provide written rationale for choices made in developing the PERT chart.(1½ pages, not including chart) Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the work and add a reference list in APA format. Internet research is appropriate for this case.

Critical Path Method (CPM)

The schedule network diagram visually represents how the scheduled tasks are connected. The PERT shows the tasks, the schedule network diagram shows the order.

Submit the schedule network diagram using the critical path method (CPM) using a template or your choice of software.

  • Begin this section with a description of the CPM method.
  • Explain the critical paths in your schedule.(1½ pages, not including chart) Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format. Internet research is appropriate for this post.

Conclusion (2-3 sentences)

  • Wrap up the discussion with an overview with ideas for future workplace applications using these tools.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Meets Assignment Requirements, Critical Thinking, Use of Sources and Mechanics on the grading rubric.

The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. Refer to yourself in the third person as “manager,” or you can write about what the “project team” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.”

Assignment Expectations

Use the attached APA-formatted template (OPM300 Case4) to create your submission.

Your submission will include:

  • Trident University International’s cover page
  • The body of the paper: 3 pages with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, 3-page body, and 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
  • The reference list page in APA format