Management Homework Help

This is an individual assignment. The same projected that you completed for me on 08/20/21, I uploaded a copy. Use the same company/project idea you used in this week’s Learning Team assignment as

This is an individual assignment.

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The same projected that you completed for me on 08/20/21, I uploaded a copy.  

Use the same company/project idea you used in this week’s Learning Team assignment as the basis for your presentation. This assignment is not a repeat of your team proposal assignment in presentation form. You are to address the bullet points outlined below in the context of the project you wrote about with your team.

Prepare a visual presentation for the project sponsor and other executives of the company that describes the team structure for the project. Be sure to use Chapters 6 and 8 from Leading Project Teams as your primary source of information.

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes discussing how these concepts apply to the project you wrote about with your learning team and include the following:

  • Use visual aids to support the content of your presentation. You can use the SmartArt feature in PowerPoint to do this.
  • The 6 fundamentals of team structure
  • The 5 stage model of team development
  • The stages in the life cycle of the project
  • The team leadership needed at each stage of the project lifecycle
  • The roles of the project leader in team management (internal and external)
  • Include an introduction or agenda slide, a conclusion slide and a slide with at least two APA formatted references.