Management Homework Help

Brief Description This case focuses on understanding the relevance and impact of different project leadership style on project success. Read the following case study. Provide a summary of the case and

Brief Description

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This case focuses on understanding the relevance and impact of different project leadership style on project success.

Read the following case study. Provide a summary of the case and use examples from the case to:

  • Discuss the ways in which wrong decision making can impact the success of a project.
  • Highlight the various leadership styles that were utilized in the case. Give examples specifically from the case.
  • Identify instances in which soft/people skills were utilized. How effective were these?

Case Study

Banerjee, A. (2017). A cased based comparative analysis of project management leadership styles. The Case Centre. 

Submission Instructions

  • Submission should be a maximum of 3 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow APA referencing style.
  • All submissions should be done through Turnitin with a similarity level no greater than 15%.