Management homework help

Please answer there two questions based on the readings-

1)  The cognitive development of young children includes four components: Exploration and discovery, memory, problem solving, and imitation and symbolic play. Young babies enter the world ready to learn and begin immediately to acquire and process new information. Based on this understanding, identify the importance of promoting cognitive development for infants and toddlers and note indicators and examples of behaviors for the four components listed above at each of the three stages: Young infant (birth to 8 months), older infant (6-18 months), and toddler (15-36 months).

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2) The social and emotional development of young children includes four components: Trust and emotional security, self-awareness, self-regulation, and relationships with other children. Identify 3-5 books that could be used with young children to promote these four components. List activities that could be used in conjunction with the books to support young children’s social and emotional development. Each candidate’s post should include books that have not been shared by other classmates
