Management Homework Help

Assessment Title Individual Report: Evaluating the Use and Application of Project Management Theory and Methodologies Unit Title Project Management Unit Code BSS060-6 Number of Credits 30 Assessment

Assessment Title

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Individual Report:  Evaluating the Use and Application of Project Management Theory and Methodologies

Unit Title

Project Management

Unit Code


Number of Credits


Assessment Weighting (%)


Issue Date

Block 6Induction 2nd August 2019

Submission Deadline

10am UK Time Friday 19 August 2019

Procedure for/where to submit work 

You MUST submit digital copy electronically on BREO, through the EMA.

Your work will be processed through TurnItIn.

Expected Return Date

By Monday 9th September 2019

Description of 

Assessment Task

You should write a report:

Evaluating the application of a Project Management Methodology: PRINCE2, PMBoK OR Agile (ie Choose ONE Methodology) for the Debenhams Project, see details provided.

Your report should consider how your chosen methodology would support the project, identifying specific features and processes of the methodology which could enable the successful outcome of the Debenhams  project.

The report should also identify any anticipated issues with using the methodology for the Debenhams project.

Your analysis and evaluation, must be supported by evidence, from the literature (relevant books and journal papers). 

You should use the following report format:

• Business Report Format (see Resources below);

• The report should be 1.5 line-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, or Arial; 

• Include references and a bibliography. 

Word Limit

2500 words (+ Appendices)