Management Homework Help

Option #1: Procurement Control Describe and compare procurement control and methods of purchase and contract control. Give examples of at least two purchase and contract control methods in use on a pr

Option #1: Procurement Control

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Describe and compare procurement control and methods of purchase and contract control.

  1. Give examples of at least two purchase and contract control methods in use on a project with which you are familiar, or on one that you identify through research.
  2. Make sure your text includes:
    1. A clear, researched, paraphrased definition of procurement control;
    2. Techniques for purchase and contract control; and
    3. Two examples of those control methods in use on projects.
  3. Conclude with an example of a project not currently addressing purchase and contract control, but which could benefit from using such controls.


  • Support your paper with a minimum of two current (no older than five years) scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library, in addition to the textbook (which you must use as a source) and any course lecture material. You may always exceed the minimum number of sources.
  • Format your paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long, not including the required title and references pages and any appendix you wish to include.