Management Homework Help

Sam is the project manager on a fundraising project for a charity. The purpose of the project is to

Sam is the project manager on a fundraising project for a charity. The purpose of the project is to

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contact local councils and to address the council sessions with a request to place pamphlets across the council area to increase the awareness of the fundraising campaign.

Sam has three team members allocated to this project: Mark who has just completed Year 12 at a local school, Cindy who started as junior secretary at the local council and Joan who is a very reserved older woman who volunteered her services to the project.

You are swamped with work and ask Cindy to allocate the project tasks which you drew up. One of the tasks was to attend the council session meetings and state the request. Mark volunteered to do this task. After he attended the first meeting you got a phone call from the mayor complaining about the meeting and wanting to have nothing to do with the fundraising event.

What would you recommend Sam do to take remedial action in terms of the project team members as well as the schedule?