Management Homework Help
Task 1Assessment InstructionsFor this task, you must plan and
Task 1
Assessment Instructions
For this task, you must plan and
undertake an audit of the documented frameworks of the WHS management system at a workplace and report on the outcomes to the WHS manager there.
1. Develop a plan and timeline for the WHS systems documentation audit. This must be approved by the facilitator before the process goes further. The facilitator will provide details of the workplace you will be visiting (your college premises) and will have discussed the project with the WHS manger there.
2. Arrange appointment with WHS manager at the workplace and discuss the plan. Be prepared for alterations according to time and availability. Evidence can be in the form of meeting minutes. These should be discussed with the assessor also. Specifically discuss the quality systems framework that the organisation has and the impacts that it has on the WHS system.
3. Develop the audit checklist and check it with the assessor and the workplace WHS manger. Ensure that the checklist clearly evaluates the WHS system in line with the organisation’s quality systems framework.
4. Undertake the audit using the documents provided by the manager and any areas of work that you might visit.
5. Analyse the results of the audit, providing summaries for the data in tables where appropriate. Propose actions to address any problems that might become obvious. Ensure that you include hazard identification for each of the stages that will be involved in making these changes to the workplace. Suggest some methods for communicating the findings to the managers and employees as part of the report.
6. Present the audit report to the WHS manager.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
· Plan of audit process including time line for completion.
· Development of audit checklist.
· Log book of activities including brief minutes of meetings and all development time and actions undertaken.
· Audit report including data summaries, analysis and proposals for action (including hazard identification) and communication strategies.
Task 2
Assessment Instructions
There is a large amount of WHS data in the workplace which can provide useful information on a variety of areas. As an effective manager you must be able to summarise and analyse a variety of WHS data which has been given to you. You must also be able to identify trends and suggest possible actions to address any issues arising from the data.
1. Carefully read through all the WHS data you have been given. Ask the facilitator if anything is not clear.
2. Group and summarise the data using tables and graphs. For example, you might consider calculating and graphs for Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, Average Time Lost Rate, Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rate etc.
3. Identify trends and patterns within the data.
4. Analyse these patterns and other factors to produce an action plan to deal with any identified WHS issues.
5. Compile a report using the work you have done in steps 2-4.
6. Ask your facilitator for further clarification.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
· The report should include tables and graphs.
· The report should include analysis of the data and suggestion of actions to address issues arising from the data analysis.