Management Homework Help

Creative Cards, Inc., is a small but growing company, started 10 years ago by Angela Naom, a graphic designer. The company has added many employees over the years but without a master plan. Now Angela

Creative Cards, Inc., is a small but growing company, started 10 years ago by Angela Naom, a graphic designer. The company has added many employees over the years but without a master plan. Now Angela wants to reorganize the company. The current structure of Creative Cards, Inc., is shown below.

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Part 1A: Analyze the effectiveness of the organizational structure depicted above. Identify at least 10 problems with the structure of Creative Cards., Inc. List problems you see with things like work specialization, chain of command, centralization, formalization, reporting relationships, comparable levels of responsibility, inconsistency in focus, and span of control.

Part 1B: Create a new, improved structure that would be more effective. Explain e.g., type of structure – functional, product, geographic, customer, matrix or mixed) and outline its advantages