Management Homework Help

Option #1: Project Management Office: Implementation Recommendation Having committed to the Portfolio Project Option #1, continue to work on and expand the outline for your implementation recommendati

Option #1: Project Management Office: Implementation Recommendation

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Having committed to the Portfolio Project Option #1, continue to work on and expand the outline for your implementation recommendation project. 

Incorporate into your high-level Portfolio Project implementation recommendation outline the key element bullet items related to your subject organization and the PMO project planning. .

For the Portfolio Project milestone assignment, include a title page, an introduction, an outline containing:

  • Detailed information about your subject organization (for approval):
    • Organization name
    • Organization mission, vision, and values statement
    • Industry type and organization demographics
    • Organization culture
    • Execute sponsor and key stakeholders
  • Summary information in support of your PMO business case:
    • Extant project management assessment:
      • Project management methods
      • Project management tools
      • Project management experience
      • Project management maturity
    • Perceived PMO benefits for the organization:
      • Overarching business rationale
      • Long term measurable goals (3-4)
      • First year specific goals and metrics
      • Quantified value proposition (short and long term)

Remember to include a reference page that cites at least three references.