Marital status impacts an individual’s health and wellness

Marital status impacts an individual’s health and wellness.

For this research, you will use the archival data from the GSS Data Explorer website to develop a research question, develop a hypothesis, and analyze the data to conclude.

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Navigate to the GSS website.

You will complete the following steps on the GSS website.

  • Create an account and add your two chosen variables to your cart.
    • Be sure that those variables are what you selected for your Literature Review.
  • Create a project, label it 4600_Last name, and save it.
  • Download the data by exporting it to Microsoft Excel.
  • Review the data available for each variable.

Once you have chosen your variables, use them for the entire course and use the resources provided to craft your study.


In the next assessment, you will start to conduct your research study. We conduct research studies to expand our knowledge on how human behavior in the world is evolving. To conduct an effective study, we need to understand development theories as they relate to our current environment and society.

However, the first step is to create a research proposal that provides a detailed plan for your study. Be sure to use the Research Proposal Template [DOC], as it provides context and wording that you should use to help you clearly explain your main points. By using the template, you will cover all of the points below.

  • Insert your revised literature review in the Literature Review section in the template.
  • Operationally define the variables that you are using in your study.
  • State your hypothesis for your study.
  • Report on the method you will use to sample your participants.
    • You may want to look at the GSS website to see how participants were found.
    • Use your notes from the media piece to guide your sampling method selection.
  • Explain the method you will use to collect and analyze your data.
    • You may want to look at the GSS site to see how data was found.
    • Use your notes from the media piece to guide your sampling method selection.
  • Choose the measurement that matches your study.
    • Review the template for the suggested language.
  • Discuss how the measurement increases the reliability and validity of the study.
  • Explain your procedure based on the research design you chose.

Marital status impacts an individual’s health and wellness