Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help. Students are required to submit an individual reflective journal of approximately 1,500

words. (Not including appendix)

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This journal should include

  1. Current status of the graduate labour market in Singapore supported with

appropriate references / market reports,

  1. Three different ways of seeking job opportunities with appropriate


  1. How to prepare for job applications with appropriate references,
  2. The skills needed at job interviews with appropriate references,
  3. A personal employment portfolio (CV) to be attached as an appendix.


Please note that plagiarism and cheating in any form will be penalised. Each report

shall include the Coursework Grading Form as the cover page stating clearly the

module title, student name/ID and date of submission. Any late submission will be

awarded zero marks.

Students shall be assessed on their ability to write a journal that details all the

necessary skills required for a student to enter the graduate labour market.


Assessment criteria for Journal:

  1. Ability to write a current status of the graduate labour market in Singapore

supported with appropriate references / market reports

  1. Ability to demonstrate different ways of seeking job opportunities
  2. Ability to submit a well-written personal employment portfolio (CV) (to be attached

as annex)


The Journal will be graded based on the following:

Criteria Marks

  1. Current status of graduate labour market 10
  2. Three different ways of seeking job opportunity 10

C: How to prepare for Job application 10

  1. Skills needed for Job application 10
  2. Personal CV/Resume – 1 page 10

Total 50


Nursing homework help