Operations Management homework help

Operations Management homework help.

Business Proposal Assignment

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You work as a communication specialist at Warby Parker, reporting to co-CEO David Gilboa. Using the skills, you’ve been practicing in this course, respond to this challenge:

You’re helping Gilboa prepare a report about the company. Gilboa characterizes the report as a “public business plan,” in that it will discuss the company and its objectives, strategies, and operations without disclosing the sort of confidential information that a typical business plan includes. The secondary audience includes potential investors, employees, and business partners.

To help overcome shoppers’ reluctance to buy eye wear online, Warby Parker offers Try-On in the stores, giving them to opportunity order five pairs of frames, try them on in the stores, then decide which pair they would like to order. This gives shoppers lots of time to try on the frames they are considering and get the opinions of family and friends.

On the job (Internal, Unsolicited Proposal)Write a 3-5 page internal proposal to your boss or supervisor. Select one of the topics below listed as A-D, and make sure to include it as one of your headings. Remember to include additional headings or sub-headings for each section in the proposal that explain this program- i.e. Background, Solution, Recommendation. Make sure to correctly identify and analyze your audience, as well as any possible secondary audiences. Usually, the person to whom you submit your proposal is in a position to order the implementation of the change recommended.

A. Home Try-On: Making online shopping even better than in-store shopping.

B. Home-Try On: Our tried and true way to eliminate the risk of buying eye wear online.

C. Home Try-On: Now you can try on five frames in the comfort of your own home.

D. Home Try-On: How we can reduce a major perceived risk in the Warby business model.


Operations Management homework help