Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. This is a paper that focuses on the impact of health promotion and health policy on lifespan. The paper also requires an intervention to respond to distress.,Impact of health promotion and health policy on lifespan,These are the learning outcomes which are reflected in the assignment guidelines and which you will be assessed using the level 4 marking criteria., Identify how health promotion and health policy can impact on people across the lifespan.,Describe evidence based practise as an intervention to proactively respond to people experiencing behavioural distress., Recognise care across the lifespan for commonly encountered physical, behavioural, ,cognitive and also mental health conditions,., Describe appropriate communication strategies to provide and evaluate care for people across the lifespan.,Assignment Summary.,Firstly, you will be introduced to a family with various health care needs., Secondly, you are required to choose one member of the family from one of the 4 fields of nursing., Thirdly, you will need to identify one health issue from the scenario; taking a holistic approach develop a care plan containing 4 interventions to address a SMART goal (no word limit) to address this issue., Additionally, the care plan template can be downloaded from MOODLE., You are to also provide a supporting rationale (1500 words) that discusses the evidence base for your interventions within your care plan., There is a sample care plan available on the MOODLE page.,Assignment Guidelines:, The Assignment should include:,Section 1.     The Introduction (approx. 200 words),Begin your assignment with a concise introduction outlining what you to include in your work. This should include identification of: –     Your chosen family member., –       Your chosen health issue., –       Prevalence/statistics relating to this health issue within the UK to date., –       Your chosen Smart Goal/objective. – Your 4 chosen interventions.,Section 2.     The care plan (no word limit),Using the template provided on the MOODLE page identify:,Firstly, your chosen health issue., Secondly, your chosen smart goal/objective and how you plan to achieve it., Thirdly, specific (tangible, clear and concise)., Fourthly, measurable (quantifiable)., Also, attainable (appropriate and achievable)., Lastly, relevant (relevance to patient/family care focusing on one defined area). Timely (timeframe for achievement).,4 interventions that will support the individual in achieving the smart goal.  –     These interventions must relate to the module learning outcomes.,Care Plan Template (Available in the assessment section on MOODLE),Section 3.,The Rationale (approx. 1000 words),You MUST provide a rationale (reasoning) for each of the 4 interventions. This means you are to demonstrate knowledge of the evidence base which supports each intervention. Your evidence MUST be academically creditable, meaning it must be current, reliable and also accurately referenced.,Section 4. The Conclusion (approx. 300 words),The conclusion MUST contain an evaluation of the care planned, together with a summary of how this family member can maintain optimum health for the future.,Section 5. Reference List (no word limit),

Philosophy homework help

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