Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Writing 102 Prep.This was mainly because of his life as a youth when he gained a scholarship as a student among England’s wealthy elite. He experienced several hardships in this cutthroat environment, and this influenced his political views.Furthermore, Orwell could not afford to go to college after high school and was forced to join the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. His experiences in a British Colony profoundly influenced his ideas in “Shooting an Elephant”. This is because he hated how the Colonizers treated the natives of Burma and due to his experiences he could seriously relate with the poor and the oppressed. Since his job as an Indian Imperial Police officer put George in the position of the privileged oppressor, he quit after five years of service and went back to England.It is my opinion that Orwell devoted his literary work on exposing the problems of class and government. This is after experiencing discrimination as a child by the aristocrats when he gained a scholarship. He also saw how people of lower class or race were mistreated when he was a police officer in

Physics homework help

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