Political Science homework help

Netflix: Circle (2015)
Psychology Third-party Integration
Watch: Circle (2015) on netflix and answer the following questions:
Describe in detail how personality plays a pivotal role in this film.  Additionally,  relate your response back to one of the following: learning approaches, humanistic approaches, biological approaches,psychoanalytic theory or trait theories.
Also, you need to make sure your posting has citations and at least one reference in APA format.  Not meeting this criteria will cause a deduction of points.
So far we have discussed matters of civil rights, civil liberties, public opinion and political participation. By now, I think you get the idea that politics and political behavior operate within institutions. We citizens interact with governmental institutions on a regular basis through the goods and service we utilize, the quality of our air, our streets, our parks etc.. Is there something that you personally care about? Is their something that you have read which has hit close to home? Is there an issue that you care about? How does it interact with your local, state and/or federal government? Share with me your issue of concern. Why does it matter? Who does it affect? What should be done to address the issue?

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